Kanno Dermatology

Information website dedicated to the Kanno-Dermatology clinic, equipped with the product information and accurate access map to the clinic. The web provides to create news columns, also set the closed day as up-to-date information for the patients. 


Update News and Columns to Share Useful Information with Web Visitors.

Share the latest news and useful information with web visitors to strengthen the engagement.


Never Get Lost with Accurate Maps Directly to the Clinics.

Give you accurate access maps, direct to the two Kanno-Dermatology clinics make sure you never get lost.


Tells when the Clinic is Open and on Days Off so your Patients are not Disappointed

Organize days off and inform patients about clinic schedules with an informative visual calendar. 


Promote Facilities, Products, and Facilitate Patients to Order

Promote products and facilitate customers to place orders.



Support Windows

iOS 9.2 or later

Chrome 42 or later

Firefox 34 or later

IE 11 or later

(application only)

Ms. Edge or latest

Server Specification